Station Engineer

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File:Generic engineer.png File:Engineering modsuit.png
Station Engineer
Access: Engineering, Power Equipment, Tech Storage, External airlocks, Construction Site, Maintenance, Telecoms
Additional Access: Atmospherics
Difficulty: Medium
Supervisors: Chief Engineer
Duties: Start the Supermatter, wire the solars, repair station hull and wiring damage, and if there are no atmos techs, repair station piping when damaged. Basically, do everything that has anything to do with power and repairs. Also, be prepared to be the hero the station deserves, because Security is lazy.
Guides: Engineering items, Guide to Construction, Guide to Machine Construction, Guide to Power, Supermatter Engine, Solars, Hacking, Guide to Telecommunications
Quote: I'll get to it after I'm done making my Autolathe.

File:Warningsign.pngHey, Listen!File:Warningsign.png
For the Guide to setting up the Supermatter engine, click here.

Effectively, you are an assistant on steroids, and need not fear any electrical things with your gloves. You can, however, affect the station, for good or for ill, much more profoundly than a mere assistant can. What sets you apart from the rest of the crew on the station is that you are the most equipped for constructing objects and machinery, repairing structural damage, and are the best-equipped crewmembers for E.V.A. missions in the cold of Space.

Bare minimum requirements: Fix hull breaches, fix cables/APCs if power goes out in an area. Know how Solars and SMES work. Resist the temptation to run off with a MODsuit at roundstart.
Basic skills: Set up the engine without killing everyone. Fix emagged airlocks and rebuild machines. Familiarize yourself with Hacking.
Advanced skills: Detect and fix sabotage - Telecomms, the engine, power sinks. Know enough about Atmospherics to stop a plasma flood.

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